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January 2004

At Home With Math
Elementary, my dear math major, elementary!
Grade Level: Pre-K-2, 3-5


This site from TERC, a not-for-profit education research and development organization, offers free math activities for parents and their children ages 5-11.
The Web site is simple with eye-catching graphics and easily read text.
The content is divided into two sections: English and Spanish. Materials for download are listed as an index within each section.

At Home With Math is a free English/Spanish Web resource that offers ten activities to help parents of elementary-aged children do math with their children as a part of everyday routines such as taking turns, cleaning up, or using a catalog to create a wish list. Activities cover such skills as basic number operations, estimation, measurement, problem solving, and other important math skills. All these are done in the context of their daily activities. Each activity, available in .pdf format, contains complete instructions, variations on the activity, optional activities to include, and extensions for using the same activity again.


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