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October 2002

Light: A Learning Unit
Longing to learn about light? Alight here!
Grade Level: 6-8

GE Lighting developed this interactive, online Light and Energy Learning Unit to help teachers teach about light and energy efficiency.
The site uses a nice mix of text, color, and graphics to make it attractive and easy to read.
Visitors can enter the site either as a student or as a teacher. After choosing between those navigation paths, you come to a page from which the four major areas of the site are accessible: the Science of Light, the Technology of Light, the Math of Light, and the History of Light. Those sections are available from a left-side navigation menu, and also, at the student home page, from a center-page graphic. Each section has a sub-menu and a bottom navigation bar for movement between the sections and to return to the homepage. Macromedia Flash Player and QuickTime are required.
Light: A Learning Unit was designed to be used alone or as a supplement to the curriculum. It includes the science, technology, math, and history of light. These extensive lessons will give students the background knowledge and skills needed in order to make better decisions about light and energy use for their home or school. Each lesson includes Read Abouts, Hands on Activities, and Experiments. Students can quiz themselves on the lesson content and also take the School Lighting Challenge by using the GE Lighting Auditor to audit the use of light in their own school. Teachers will find tips for planning and using the unit, extensive lesson plans, assessments and a toolkit that includes a bibliography of readings and Websites, a glossary of terms used in the Lessons, and a KWL chart.

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