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October 2002

British North American Philatelic Society
Resource aimed at your people who love stamp collecting.
Grade Level: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, Advanced

This site offers information and suggestions about stamp collecting for all ages. Questions and answers and games about stamp collecting are also here.
Bright colors used on the site could be distracting to some, but most of the site is easy to read. Lots of actual stamp logos make it attractive and informative.
The main page of the site contains links to all the sections of the site on a left-nav bar. The image at the center of the main page, however, is decorative only, and currently there is a distracting banner at the bottom center of the home page which links to a Web ring, rather than being a navigational element of this site. Each other page has links to information and a link back to the main page.
Stamps4Kids is designed and maintained by The British North America Philatelic Society. The home page has links to pages designed for pre-teens, teens, and parents. In addition, there is a section that handles questions and answers and a section explaining how to start someone on the road to collecting. The section titled What Do These Words Mean? provides a work-in-progress glossary of terms used in stamp collecting. It is divided into parts for newcomers to stamp collecting and advanced collectors. In addition to definitions, this section gives lots of visual examples of the terms. The Games and Puzzles page has fun quizzes and magic tricks dealing with stamps from around the world.

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