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October 2002

Dr. Saul's Biology in Motion
Original, entertaining, interactive biology learning activities.
Grade Level: 9-12


Teacher and web developer Dr. Leif Saul developed these interactive biology learning activities, which include animations, simulations, and cartoons "designed to make learning biology a richer, more engaging experience."
The site has a nice mix of color and original graphics, as well as some very sophisticated programming. Flash Player is required for the newer activities.
The site is well organized and easy to navigate. The activities and exhibits are listed in a table of contents on the main page. A left-side menu provides access to other areas of the site. Internal pages have a top navigation menu.
This is a must-see site for biology teachers and students. Its growing collection of resources includes interactive tutorials, quizzes, animations, and cartoons that make teaching and learning biology more engaging. Activities and exhibits are labeled with icons that depict the type of activity. There are a variety of effective learning tools available, such as Organize-It that focuses on the relationship between ideas and users can test themselves on a variety of topics. The Evolution Lab " tests the effects of selection, mutation, and chance on the evolution of a trait" with an animated simulation. Other activity topics include Fat Digestion and Bile, the Cardiovascular System, Cell Division, and more. Additionally, there is a page of teaching tips for using multimedia effectively in the classroom.

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