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September 2002
Updated JUNE, 2007

Teach math through architecture.


This site, alternately named Real-Life Math, Architecture and Computers, has a number of activities to encourage students to study math by doing architecture. Students can work on "Architivities," including Floor Plan Your Classroom and then use CAD software to create a design and submit it to this site.
Math-kitecture is easy to read and use.
The Math-kitecture site is organized into five sections, easily accessed by buttons at the top of each page. On each page, links are organized in tables to allow easy reading. There are also links to the sections at the bottom of each page.
Math-kitecture uses architecture to offer opportunities for students to study estimation, measuring skills, proportion, and ratios by hand-drafting a floor plan of their classroom to scale. Then students may use software to create a computer-aided design (CAD) version. Students may submit their work to the site for display in the online Student Work Gallery. The Office of Instructional Technology of the New York City Board of Education designed the site. The Student Work Gallery has many valuable examples for students to study and discuss. Mathematics & Architecture: Resources has more than 25 links to software resources and other Web resources to study architecture and other uses of math skills. Some examples include Archi-Maticians links to Frank Lloyd Wright and R. Buckminster Fuller and Archi-Design links to Skyscrapers and the Big Buildings site.

Review by Hazel Jobe
Education World®
Copyright © 2002 Education World
