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August 2002

E-Learning Guru
Help for your e-learning problems.
GRADE LEVEL: Professional


E-Learning Guru provides resources for schools that are incorporating Web-based learning into their curriculum.
The simple layout has few graphics and uses color to break up the text.
The content is organized into six main topics that are easily accessed through the top navigation bar. Each topic has an index of links within that section.
Do you need some answers to questions about your e-learning implementation or programs? The E-Learning Guru has a wealth of information at your fingertips. Users can read more than 60 how-to articles on every topic from the basics of getting started to systematic design. The ToolBox is filled with time-saving forms, templates, and calculators. Included are white papers, book reviews, a glossary, a free newsletter, and links to related sites.

Review by Hazel Jobe
Education World®
Copyright © 2002 Education World
