Developed by a group of pediatric neurologists, this site offers resources for parents, teachers, caregivers, or anyone who has an interest in children and neurological conditions.
The site has a simple layout with muted colors. It is mostly text-based. The ADHD eBook is available to be downloaded and printed.
A top and bottom navigation bar is present on all the pages for easy movement within the site. Resources are grouped into 12 categories.
This site offers articles on such topics as autism, stress reduction, learning disabilities, tics and Tourette's, and seizures, as well as Web-related links to more information. The featured part of the site is the ADHD eBook, by Dr. Martin L. Kutscher, assistant clinical professor of pediatrics and neurology, New York Medical College, Valhalla, New York. The book is published online in its entirety and is completely free. It covers a discussion of the problem of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder as well as solutions and medications, with special chapters for school, home, and kids. Included is the condensed version in the summary chapter, suggested readings and related links and resources.
Reviewed by Hazel Jobe
Education World®
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