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App Review: STOP!T Cyberbully Prevention App (iPad/iPhone)​

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App Name: STOP!T

Cost: Free

What does it promise? The STOP!T app promises a way for schools, teachers and students to report and further prevent acts of cyberbullying or harassment in schools. It also promise a way for students to report the incident anonymously which alleviates them from being bullied or facing harassment.

“STOPit is the leading technology company providing a comprehensive software platform that mitigates, deters and controls inappropriate behavior both online and offline including; bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, unethical or illegal activity and other harmful or inappropriate conduct.” - iTunes

Does it deliver? Yes. However it does require a bit of work to get the system set up. In order to access the platform, your institution must be subscribed to the service. After subscribing to the service the school will then be able to download the app and have their students do so as well. STOP!T’s website does provide a lot of resources for students, parents, teachers and administrators when it comes to cyberbullying, including a detailed section of teaching good Digital Citizenship. When the app is in use the party reporting the incident has to send a photo, message or both and STOP!T will alert the proper authorities, whether it’s the principal, teacher or in some cases parents.

Can I use it in the classroom? Yes. In fact the app can be used throughout the school granted you are subscribed. With the growing number of cyberbullying cases it may be well worth the subscription. The app itself is free and it will enable kids to stand up for each other without an excuse to do so because of it’s anonymity. What’s impressive about the app is how discrete it is and teachers, students and parents will be able to have a bit of a safety net. Overall it’s a great resource and might be something that all schools adopt later on in the future.


App Review by Navindra Persaud, Education World Contributor.