Shaving Cream Spelling

- Arts & Humanities
Language Arts
K-2, 3-5
Brief Description
Engage students in spelling practice by having them write their spelling words in shaving cream.
- practice their spelling words by writing them in shaving cream.
- correct mistakes if they spell words wrong.
spelling, tactile, hands-on
Materials Needed
- spelling word list
- shaving cream
- paper towels
Lesson Plan
All students will love this spelling activity. Students who learn in tactile (hands-on) ways will benefit most!
Squirt each student's desktop with shaving cream. Have the students spread an even layer of the cream over their desks. Call out spelling words one at a time and have students spell those words by writing in the cream. Students will master spelling words and clean their desks while having a great time!
This activity will provide hands-on practice to help students achieve scores of at least 80 percent on the weekly spelling tests.
Submitted By
Catina Stewart, Albertville (Alabama) Elementary School
Originally published 09/05/2002
Last updated 02/26/2008

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