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Teacher-Submitted Lessons grouped by subject.
Math Dice Review Game
Kaitlin Kelly, a student at the University of Scranton in Scranton, Pennsylvania, submitted this lesson, which can be used to reinforce almost any math computation skill. (Grades 3-12)
Let's Get Along
Kristina Davenport, an education student at the University of Idaho (Coeur d'Alene), submitted this lesson in which students learn valuable lessons about getting along by reading Eve Buntings award-winning Smoky Nights. (Grades 3-8)
Geo-Critters (Geometry Critters)
Loretta Greenough, a student at the University of Idaho, submitted this lesson that integrates literature (The Math Curse by Jon Scieszka) and math as students create geometry critters from four shapes. (Grades 2-5)
Following in Their Footsteps
Patti Stephenson, who teaches at Tri-City Christian School in Independence, Missouri, submitted this lesson in which students read a biography and look for the positive character traits they might "follow" in their own lives. (Grades 3-12)
36 Public Policy Questions to Energize Your Government/History Classroom Debates
Michael Boyer, who teaches at Providence Day School in Charlotte, North Caroplina, submitted this lesson that offers 36 public policy questions to energize your government/history classroom debates. (Grades 9-12)
Your Five Senses
Miriam Lev, who teaches at The Jewish Institute of Queens in Elmhurst, New York, submitted this lesson in which students learn how each of their five senses help them identify the world around them. (Grades K-12)
Comparing-Contrasting With Cookies
Lesley Roessing, who teaches at Ridley Middle School in Ridley Park, Pennsylvania, submitted this lesson that offers a fun compare-and-contrast activity using Girl Scout cookies to ready students to write more complex comparisons of characters, literature (Grades 3-12)
Art On Trial (A Mock-Court Activity)
Diane Franken, who teaches at Lincoln Academy of Integrated Arts in Davenport, Iowa, submitted this lesson in which students take on different roles as they determine which work of art will be constructed in their community park. (Grades 3-12)
North, South, East, or West
Gay Harrod, who teaches at Washington Intermediate School in Piqua, Ohio, submitted this lesson, which is a fun any-time game she created to reinforce geographic directionality. (Grades K-5)
Beat the Clock
Cheryl Rains, who teaches at Kingswood Elementary School in Sacramento, California, submitted this weeks lesson, which offers a fun idea to help teachers manage transitions such as grouping students, end-of-day cleanup, others. (Grades K-12)
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