Title: The
Costs of War
Topics: war, conflict, soldiers, troops, fight, debate,
Subject: Social Sciences, Language Arts
Grades: 9-12
In this seven-part WebQuest, students complete a series of research,
discussion, and writing activities to explore some of the causes
and effects of war. Student activities include assuming various
roles to examine past wars from several perspectives; communicating
by e-mail with students living in countries that have experienced
war; debating issues concerning war from a list of questions; writing
letters to or e-mailing government leaders about war-related topics.
Notes: Please note the following changes in the Process section.
TWO: Roles
Click the titles listed below under A
Nurse, A
Poet and A
Conscientious Objector to find new links for those resources.
A Nurse
A Poet
A Conscientious Objector
THREE E-Mail Communications
The links for the following sites go to the E-Pals
Search Page. Have student use the search feature for E-Pals
to find schools containing these descriptions.
- Indonesian school studying WWII
- Bangladesh Literature students
- Ugandan school wishing to communicate about refugees
- Hebrew students on a Kibbutz in N. Israel
- Kuwati girls' school that wants English communication
- School teacher in Peru looking to communicate w/ other teachers
- Columbian classrooms
- Classroom in Guatemala
- Another Classroom in El Salvador
Click the titles below to go to the new links for these resources.
The link for Banbrige Academy in Northern Ireland - Social Science Dept
is no longer available. Have students use the Banbridge
Academy in Northern Ireland link that precedes this one to find
the needed information.
The following sites are no longer available.
- High School in Israel
- Another Classroom in Guatemala
- Bosnian school that has been bombed - wants pen pals - "Through the Eyes of Bosnian Children"
You may want to have students use the E-Pals
Search Page to find schools with those descriptions.
Article by Lois Lewis
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