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Microsoft Office Tips

Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Outlook, and Access share many of the same commands and neat tricks. Why not learn a few of those tricks and save yourself time when using one of those programs?

What's the Good Word?

Eager for a few more hot tips? The Education World techtorial 7 Wonders of the Amazing Word provides helpful tips that only pros know!

Make it Yours!
Add customized icons to tool bars.

Is there a task (such as inserting clip art) that you do often in Microsoft Office, but no shortcut for that task is provided on your toolbars? Create your own command shortcut! Click Tools>Customize and then choose the Commands tab. Scroll through Categories to find the command you want to create a shortcut for. Click that command and drag it to the toolbar at the top of your program window.

Make it Faster!
Use keyboard shortcuts.

Keyboard shortcuts (hot keys) save time, so get in the habit of hitting CTRL (the Control key) and P to print, CTRL-S to save, CTRL-N to create a new file, CTRL-C to copy, and CTRL-V to paste when using Office or many other PC programs. Hint: Many commands are the same on a PC and on a Mac; just use the Command (the apple or cloverleaf key) key instead of CTRL.

Make it Move!
Place clip art wherever you want it.

Are you having trouble placing clip art in the right place in a Microsoft Office document? Double-click the image in the document, select the Layout tab in the Format Picture window, click Tight, and then click OK.

Article by Lorrie Jackson
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