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Tech in the Classroom: OpalCalc

What is it? OpalCalc isa PC-based calculator.

How does it work? OpalCalc takes the concept of a PC calculator and one-ups it by allowing the user to insert natural language as part of the sum, along with multi-line support that allows users to go back and adjust previous calculations. It also implements on-the-fly calculation as users type, percentages, variable support, hundreds of units and functions and extensive notation support.OpalCalc Calculator

How hard is it to use? Not hard at all. There is a learning curve with respect to the natural-language implementation, though. At first it feels strange to type sentences into a calculator, but after a few tries it becomes second nature.

How well does it work?  Very well. Calculations can be seen changing as users make adjustments to equations.

How do I use it in the classroom? Students can use OpalCalcin place of regular calculators, and especially in place of standard PC calculators. Because of its multi-functionality, OpalCalc is appropriate for math students of all ages.

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Read about other products featured in the Tech in the Classroom series.

Tech in the Classroom is a recurring feature that examines widely available technology, software and gadgets and how they might be used in a school setting.


Article by Jason Tomaszewski, EducationWorld Associate Editor
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