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Site Review: Share With 911

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Content:  The Share With 911 Web-based security service allows users to communicate with authorities in the event of an emergency. It enables people inside a school to share information with 911, law enforcement and first responders via a secure Web site that is accessible from any computer or device with an Internet connection.

Design:  The site, while mostly an online advertisement, is clean and offers a full rundown of the services provided. The extensive product outlines and FAQs are informative, allowing administrators to make educated purchasing decisions.

share with 911Review:  The service operates much like a social media site, except that viewers will see posts about an emergency situation, rather than ones about pets, kids and what your friend had for lunch on Tuesday.

When a user hits “submit” during an emergency, his check-in is posted in real time on the service’s LiveView, which 911 operators and law enforcement can see. LiveView displays users by their status (where they are on campus and the type of emergency they are experiencing), enabling police and first responders to make intelligent decisions that can potentially save lives.

Share With 911 also enables anyone registered to your school’s account to instantly inform all teachers, administrators, staff members, 911 and law enforcement to take action. Each alert is immediately sent via text message and email to all registered users, eliminating face-to-face contact and phone calls that can waste time. Additionally, local police officers are instantly notified, instead of having to wait for the 911 call to be dispatched via radio.

This service does come with a price, but that figure is tiered based on the number of registered users in a school. Access to all of the Share With 911 features costs $3 per month, per user registered.

Bottom Line:  For administrators looking to bolster their schools’ emergency protocols, a stop by Share With 911 is in order.


Article by Jason Tomaszewski, EducationWorld Associate Editor
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