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Student in Trouble Over 'Madden' Phrase

Madden 12A teenage broadcaster is in trouble with his school after using a phrase borrowed from a popular video game while calling a middle-school football game. 

The Sandusky (Ohio) Register reports that the unnamed boy was serving as the play-by-play talent during the broadcast of a middle-school football game. After one play, the student described one of the offensive players as possessing, "get-away-from-the-cops speed." That phrase, which is used by professional NFL announcer Gus Johnson, is featured in the video game Madden NFL '12.

After the game, the student was the target of online and in-person threats becuase some believe his comment on player speed was racist. The ballcarrier on the offending play is of Haitian descent. The Margaretta School District has punished the teenage broadcaster; however, the details of the discipline are not being released. 

"We worked with the student, and we hope this is a learning experience," Margaretta Superintendent Ed Kurt told the Register. "We want to move forward in a positive fashion."

You can see and hear how Johnson uses the phrase in the clip below:



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A Novel Idea!

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Keep'em Moving!

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Money Saving Strategies for Schools

Editor's Note: This week's Pulse blog comes from Fatima Haris~ an educator in Pakistan.

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