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Microsoft Enters Tablet Market

SurfaceNo, that image to the left is not an iPad surrounded by SmartCovers. That is the Microsoft Surface. Not to be confused with the giant table-sized computer the company released a while ago, the Surface is Microsoft’s entry into the tablet market.

Attempting to take a page out of Apple’s playbook on several levels, Microsoft revealed the Surface during a mystery press event in California. What those in attendance saw was an iPad knock-off that is heavier, boasts shorter batter life and an inferior chip. To be fair, the Surface does have an impressive cover that contains a fully functioning keyboard, but that is an accessory that must be purchased.

Microsoft has two versions of the Surface in the works, each for a very different audience. There’s a “consumer version” that will run Windows RT and a “business version” that will run Windows 8.

Microsoft isn’t saying exactly when the Surface will be available for purchase, or how much it will cost, but experts are predicting the “consumer version” to fall in the $500 price range with the “business version” to come in at over $1,000. The pricier version does have better overall tech specs than its cheaper brother, but that improved performance comes at the cost of weight and, of course, cost.


July is National Ice Cream Month. Fun...

COOL facts about Ice Cream

Did you Know that JULY is National Ice Cream Month  in the USA? It was established by President Ronald Reagan, in 1984. National Ice Cream Day is the 3rd Sunday in July. Learn some fun facts about ice cream!


The Global Search For Education: So You...

“A learning tool is not a subject of learning. You shouldn’t have to spend time to master a learning tool, it should teach you itself.” – Andrey Bayadzhan

How is technology empowering the next generation of composers?

Andrey Bayadzhan studied music theory with Roman Ruditsa, a composer and music...

The Current Teacher Shortage Should Be...

You don’t have to go far to realize that we are facing a major shortage of teachers in U.S.schools. News reports show that school districts across the country are scrambling to find qualified teachers to meet fast-growing enrollment at public schools.  

The National Education Association has described the situation as “worse than we thought.” 

Reasons for the shortage stem from retirement of teachers and teachers leaving the profession.

However, in my opinion, the...

How to Become a “Deep Learning” Teacher

In my last blog, I wrote about the concept of deep learning and how k-12 teachers might work to become the type of teacher that facilitates this type of deep learning.

First, a brief recap: these ideas of deep learning come from Ken Bain, who wrote about three types of students: surface learners, strategic learners, and deep learners. Surface learners are those students just trying to survive. Strategic learners play the system, learning and scoring well enough to get the A. On the...

World Giraffe Day is June 21st but ANY...

In less than 30 years, the number of giraffe have drastically decreased by almost 40 percent. That...

Leveraging Social Media To Build...

leveraging social media to build relationships with families

What are Ways We Already Engage Families?

There are multiple ways to reach families and build those...

Using the News in the Classroom: End of...

Still in School? Vacation a couple of weeks away? Use the news and have students select one of the following news stories and write a short paragraph stating their opinions on the topic.

In addition to passing your classes, a new law passed in...

Deep Learning Teachers, Strategic...

In his work on top performing professors, Ken Bain wrote about three types of college students: surface learners, strategic learners, and deep learners. Surface learners are those students just trying to survive. Strategic learners play the system, learning and scoring well enough to get the A. On the other hand, deep learners are also successful but immerse themselves in the learning itself, understanding conceptual ideas, thinking critically and creatively, and becoming adaptative...

We Can Overcome All Our Global...

The OECD’s Learning Compass 2030, launched today, urges nations to take action and reevaluate the knowledge, life skills, values and attitudes learners need to flourish and contribute to the well-being of their communities and their planet. Experts have argued that global education systems have not changed in hundreds of...
