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The American Revolution

Education World's Great Sites for Teaching About page highlights websites to help educators work timely themes into their lessons. These sites are among the best on the web for teaching about the American Revolution.

The Federalist Papers
The Federalist Papers, a series of 85 essays urging New Yorkers to ratify the proposed United States Constitution, are often used to help interpret the intentions of the men who drafted the Constitution. All 85 papers are posted here, and the entire site is fully searchable by exact words or their variants. This is a terrific resource for secondary school research!

The Continental Congress and the Constitutional Convention
The Library of Congress presents primary documents from the Continental Congress and the Constitutional Convention, which should be especially useful for students in high school and above.

Schoolhouse Rock
This site presents classic made-for-Saturday-morning ditties, including such songs as No More Kings, Fireworks, The Shot Heard Round the World, and The Preamble. The songs might seem silly, but they manage to convey historical events in a fun fashion that's sure to appeal to students of all ages.

Liberty! The American Revolution
This companion to the PBS special on the American Revolution has a great set of resources for classroom use. Note especially Chronicle of the Revolution and the game The Road to Revolution, both designed to stimulate student interest and make learning fun. Interactive quizzes and fictional newspaper accounts add to the excitement of experiencing history right in the classroom!

Independence Day on the Net
This is a comprehensive celebration of the history, legends, and traditions of this most American of holidays. John Adams originally conceived of the idea as a day for fireworks and great public rejoicing [set dash] and how right he was! This site is the next best thing to the actual holiday, replete with music, fireworks, and lots of information. Independence Day on the Net allows you to culminate your study of the American Revolution with all kinds of elementary-level activities, such as a recipe for old-fashioned apple pie and an Uncle Sam folk art activity.

Little Known Facts About the American Revolutionary War
Did you know that women fought in the Continental Army that there were two Boston Tea Parties? If not, this is the site for you! These and ten additional little-known facts are for those who thought they knew everything there is to know about the Revolutionary War.


Article by Walter McKenzie
Education World®
Copyright © 2010, 2017 Education World


Originally published 04/24/2000
Last updated 06/21/2017