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U.S. Social Studies Professionals, Secretary of Education Talk Best Practices in Twitter Chat

U.S. Social Studies Professionals, Secretary of Education Talk Best Practices in Twitter Chat

Last night, social studies professionals from across the country and former social studies teacher turned current Education Secretary John B. King, Jr. discussed the best ways to teach students empathy and civic engagement in a Twitter chat called "Nurturing Empathy and Civic Engagement in Students" hosted by Facing History and Ourselves last night.

In the hour-long chat, participants shared ways they help students connect to history, use opposing viewpoints to better understand current issues, express their own opinions in respectful ways and more.

The timing of the chat is ideal; there are just a few more days before the general election, meaning just a few more days until new conversations will be had about our future commander-in-chief.

Here are some of the most profound moments from the chat, which is available for anyone to view via Facing History’s Twitter page.

Silence Is a Step You Shouldn’t Skip

The third question Facing History asked participants was: Silence is one of the most powerful and underused tools in the classroom. How do you utilize it to create empathetic and civic-minded students?

The responses are sure to provide you with your own ideas for how you can embrace silence in your classroom, especially when approaching difficult topics:

Connecting Students to Today Through History

In the fifth question, respondents were asked how they help their students develop empathy and civic engagement by connecting history and today. Respondents answered with a variety of ways that are sure to help you do the same in your classroom while discussing contemporary issues.

Projects That Impact the Community

The final question asked respondents how they design and implement projects that tie lessons back to community engagement. The lessons in community engagement that came out of responses are important for any social studies teacher to know:

About Facing History

Facing History and Ourselves is a non-profit that is committed to creating a “better, more informed and more thoughtful society.”

With an international network of over 90,00 educators, Facing History integrates “the study of history, literature, and human behavior with ethical decision making and innovative teaching strategies” and enables "secondary school teachers to promote students’ historical understanding, critical thinking, and social-emotional learning.”

Nicole Gorman, Senior Education World Contributor


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