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Schools and Communities Get Ready for Unity Day to Prevent Bullying and Raise Awareness

Schools and Communities Get Ready for Unity Day to Prevent Bullying and Raise Awareness

Oct. 21 has been declared Unity Day since 2011, designated as a day where schools and communities across the country and now the world can get together to show support for preventing bullying in schools and communities.

To show support for Unity Day, individuals are encouraged to wear orange as it has been used as the color to represent bullying awareness and prevention.

"This year, schools and communities are planning more ways to join together against bullying: A dentist office in Minnesota is using orange rubber bands for braces, an entire community in Colorado is placing orange ribbons on every tree, and a school in Illinois is handing out orange 'kudos' to kids caught doing random acts of kindness," said PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center, the creator and sponsor of Unity Day.

National Bullying Prevention Month was launched in 2006 and Unity Day in 2011; in the subsequent years since its launch it has transcended being a national event and has made its way into other countries as well.

"Last year, a middle school in Mexico held the first international Run, Walk, Roll Against Bullying event, students in New Zealand decorated bullying prevention cookies, and corporate employees in Argentina wore orange and shared about their event on social media," the center's statement said.

The PACER Center has several suggestions for those who want to participate in Unity Day this year.

Besides wearing the color orange in support, the center suggests uniting on social media, donating to bullying campaigns, and being sure to discuss Unity in the classroom.

For donations, the center recommends donating to the Together Against Bullying (TAG) campaign.

It also offers resources for discussing bullying prevention in the classroom through the "You're Not Alone, We're Here for You" campaign. This campaign provides resources for individuals to support others who have been victims of bullying as well as how to seek help and support if the victim is his or herself.

Read more about PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center's here. 

Article by Nicole Gorman, Education World Contributor


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