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Educator to Walk 400-Mile Journey in Name of Education Reform

Educator to Walk Hundred Mile Journey in Name of Education Reform

Connecticut professor Jesse Turner is embarking on a 400-mile journey to Washington D.C. in order to bring awareness to education reform he says needs to happen.

Turner will walk across five states, averaging 10 miles per day, in a grassroots campaign to generate support to fix an education system he calls "abusive."

According to, Turner's journey is mostly inspired by his desire to see both testing and Common Core done away with, as he said both result in an abusive curriculum being forced upon students.

Throughout his journey, he is making stops in different areas to speak with fighters for education reform on the local level.

In Mt. Airy, M.D., he met with the family of Ben Rose, a 10-year-old with cerebral palsy considered to be non-verbal, according to

"Rose’s mother said school policy requires him to take tests that he does not understand. 'He doesn't know his name. He couldn't pick out his name on a piece of paper, but they want him to explain complex ideas...He's tested for his age not his ability,'" Rose said to the site.

Turner hopes meeting with these families during his journey will help them work together to fix their children's education.

He is also hopeful that his journey will help inspire change because when he tried a similar endeavor in 2010, he received little attention. Now, with a rising opposition to the current state of standardized testing, he said people are paying close attention.

He plans to arrive in the nation's capital this Friday, and "will meet with a grass roots group against testing at the steps of the department of education. He said they will hold signs calling on the leaders of the department for change," the article said.

Read the full story here and comment with your thoughts below.

Article by Nicole Gorman, Education World Contributor


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