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EdTech Market Expected to Grow 10% in Europe: What It Means For the World

2016 is a fresh new year and with it should come even more technological advancements that are geared towards making learning and teaching much easier and efficient. The compound annual growth rate for the EdTech market in Europe is expected to increase by 10 percent, according to recent reports. This isn’t just good news for European countries, but a trend that countries worldwide including the U.S. will be benefiting from as well.

“E-learning, education gamification, digital content in rich media, and use of the internet for education collaboration are encouraging learners and educators to use new learning models,” according to the Digital Journal.

“These new models can be a combination of products and services within and across digital hardware, digital content, and digital software segments.”

What really contributes to the growth of the EdTech market is the fact that there are so many devices that encourage digital aids in the classroom and many classrooms that are already using them. There is always an emphasis on improving on the designs and software that these devices have. As long as the developmental side of EdTech continues there will be an uptick in the market itself.

These upticks not only benefit the companies who are profiting with their devices, however, it also helps teachers, students and parents. These companies competitive nature will result in better products as they try to produce the best product for the intended consumer/users. While the 10 percent is exclusively to the European post-secondary and K-12 institutes, the U.S. should also be seeing an increase of about 12.5 percent in the digital classroom market by 2019 according to ReportsNReports.

These trends are a clear sign that EdTech is the future of education and that it is just getting started. It will be interesting to see how the products evolve to meet teachers' and students' needs over the coming years as the EdTech market grows.

Read the full story.

Article by Navindra Persaud, Education World Contributor

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