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ASCD Creates State-by-State ESSA Implementation Map

As states begin to finalize plans for Every Student Succeeds Act implementation, renowned educator-resource ASCD has created an implementation map for citizens to keep up with what their state is doing.

"To help keep you informed and engaged in this process, [the] map provides links to state resources and opportunities for involvement,” in four content areas:

  • State ESSA resources
  • Task forces/committees
  • Opportunities for input
  • Information updates

Right now, Utah is the only state that has not provided ESSA resources or opportunities for input.

Other states have a varying range of resources available; Nevada, for example, only provides information about the state task force while states like California provide the public with state resources, e-mail input opportunities, access to the state task force, and status updates. Resources for each state are available by simply clicking on the interactive map.

The Every Student Succeeds Act, or the education legislation that replaces the long-expired No Child Left Behind Act, will take full effect for the 2017-2018 school year, putting the pressure on states to create accountability plans now.

The legislation has been positively received for giving more power back to the states following an unprecedented amount of power being given to the federal government under NCLB.

States have the power to create their own accountability plans, but must create plans that are "designed to close achievement gaps, increase equity, improve the quality of instruction, and increase outcomes for all students,” said the Department of Education.

The Department of Education has released a series of guidances the past few weeks that aim to help states with the creation of their plans.

Guidances have focused on improving education for both homeless students and foster youth as well as elevating the teaching profession through enlightened legislation.

For more ESSA resources in addition to the ASCD implementation map, see the links below:

Nicole Gorman, Senior Education World Contributor




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