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Fit To Be Taught, Vol. 31

Kids Will Gobble Up These Books!


Because March is Nutrition Month, Education World highlights concoctions whipped up by the word chefs at Wiley & Sons, Charlesbridge Publishing, and Teacher Created Materials. Join us as we explore titles that will add flavor to your food or nutrition units.

THE MAIN COURSE John Wiley & Sons Publishers serve up a title in their Science Chefs series, written by cooking instructor Joan D'Amico and registered dietician Karen Eich Drummond. The Healthy Body Cookbook provides more than 50 fun activities and delicious recipes that kids can try.

The Healthy Body Cookbook has four easy-to-digest sections.

  • Discovering the Kitchen introduces young readers to the tools of the trade; cooking skills (cutting, measuring, mixing, and more); and safety rules for using the stove, the microwave, and knives.
  • Your Amazing Body introduces recipes for developing healthy hearts, muscles, bones, teeth, hair, and more. The authors provide a hands-on science activity to introduce each section, along with three or four recipes. Each recipe has detailed instructions that kids can follow, and each is coded according to difficulty. (One chef's hat indicates an "easy" recipe and three hats indicate a recipe for a "pro.")
  • Staying Healthy provides recipes related to the food guide pyramid, maintaining a healthy weight, and fighting disease with foods.
  • Appendices explore the nutrient contents of the recipes provided, reading food labels, and food poisoning. A glossary pulls it all together.

      D'Amico and Drummond open each section of their book with activities that would make great additions to any elementary or middle school curriculum. An activity that directs kids to create their own stethoscopes introduces the Have a Healthy Heart section. Kids map their teeth in an activity that opens Look Mom, No Cavities! Another section is titled Moving Through the Digestive System.

      Read the full article on Education World

      Wellness News
      Serving Breakfast Leads to Better Test Scores After adopting a free, school-wide, in-class breakfast program, Maryland's District Heights Elementary School saw attendance increase and test scores improve enough for the school to make Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP).

      School Stressing Importance of Sleep To stress the importance of adequate sleep for learning, officials at Memminger Elementary School in Charleston, South Carolina, are asking parents to sign contracts agreeing to put their children to bed earlier.

Weaving Nutrition into the Curriculum

Pennsylvanias Secondary Level Interdisciplinary Curriculum (SLIC) focuses on the nutrition concerns of students in grades 9-12 within the context of everyday life.

SLIC is comprised of five multidisciplinary thematic units that can be taught in high school American history, algebra/pre-algebra, consumer math, English, business education, biology, chemistry, environmental science, family and consumer sciences, and health classes.

"Special Concerns in Nutrition" includes lessons about critical nutrients in teenagers' diets (such as iron, calcium), the chemistry behind the nutrients, and ways to ensure teens get the proper amount. This unit also examines nutrition and alcohol as explored through the U.S. experience of prohibition.

Lessons in "Alternative Eating" address the interdisciplinary issues of vegetarian lifestyle choices and the effect on personal health, restaurant economics, family food budgets, and global warming. "Disordered Eating" examines the issues of normal and abnormal eating, fat phobia," and the media's message about body size and how that affects teenagers' eating.

"Physical Activity" lessons look at ways of increasing physical activity, balancing food and finances, and the use of commercial products for improving athletic performance. "Food Safety" includes science experiments and history lessons addressing issues such as E. coli in undercooked hamburger; toxins and pesticides in our food supply; and the historic and future roles of the government, food manufacturer, and consumer in assuring a safe food supply.

Read more about this program at: SLIC: Secondary Level Interdisciplinary Curriculum.

Click to learn more about Action for Healthy Kids.

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