Layer-Up Relay
Hit the closet and take out your winter clothes for this great relay game. When you finish playing, you will be all set to head outdoors for more fun in the snow.
A variety of winter clothing, which might include:
- snowpants
- boots
- mittens
- scarves
- hats
Nancy F. Castaldo is the author of many books packed with inspiring ideas for childhood discovery and
learning. In addition to the three titles above, Nancy has written activity guides for teaching children
ages 6 to 9 about the ocean, rainforests, deserts, and rivers. All of these titles are published by
Chicago Review Press.
here to learn about these books and others by Nancy Castaldo.
Pick two or more teams for this relay, line up, and place a pile of clothes at the end of each team's row. Each pile should
include a set of clothing belonging to each child on the team; each child should have in the pile all of the same/similar
items selected from the HERE'S WHAT YOU NEED list above.
If you live in an area where such winter clothing is not necessary, see the sidebar for ways in which you might adapt this activity.
On the count of three, the first person on each team runs over to the pile of clothes and looks for an article
of his own clothing. The player puts it on, runs back to his team, and tags the next person.
The next player runs to the pile and finds the same article of clothing among her clothes. She puts it on, runs back, and tags the next person. (For example, if the first player ran to the pile, found his coat, and put it on, then the second player must find her coat, put it on, and so on.)
The game continues until all players are wearing all their outdoor clothing. The first team to complete dressing wins. Now they are all ready to head outside into the snow!
Education World's special Winter Lessons Archive
This activity is excerpted from Nancy Castaldo's Winter Day Play, which is published by Chicago
Review Press. This lesson idea is one of more than 70 activities, crafts, and games from Winter Day Play
that are sure to engage children as they discover and learn.
Adapt the Activity
If you live in an area where such winter clothing is not necessary, you might collect several sets of
winter clothing from a secondhand store and place a set of clothing opposite each team. On the count
of three
--- the first player on each team must run to the pile of clothing, get dressed in it, run back to his
team and get undressed.
--- As the student undresses, the second student in line can be taking the clothing from the first student
and dressing herself in it.
--- When she is all dressed, she must run to the point where the first student picked up the clothing,
undress, leave behind the clothing, and run back to the line.
--- When that student gets back to her line, she tags the next student, who must run to the pile of
clothes, get dressed, and run back to the team
Continue the relay in this way until all students have put on and taken off the layers of winter clothing.
The first team to complete the race is declared the winning team.
About the Author
A native of New York's Hudson
Valley, Nancy Castaldo earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Marymount College and a Master of
Arts from the State University of New York. As an environmental educator, author, and Girl Scout volunteer
and board member, Castaldo has led numerous children's workshops. Her school programs include workshops
on ocean creatures and other nature topics, creative writing, and pizza making/Italy. She has conducted
programs at the Boston Children's Museum, Atlanta Zoo, and Tennessee Aquarium. Castaldo's books include
River Wild: An Activity Guide to North American Rivers; Oceans: An Activity Guide for Ages 6-9;
Deserts: An Activity Guide for Ages 6-9; and Rainforests: An Activity Guide for Ages 6-9.
She is also author of a historical-fiction picture book, Pizza for the Queen. To learn more
about Nancy and her books, check out her Web site,
Article by Nancy Castaldo
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