Are you looking for literature to support classroom instruction about Election Day & Electing a President? Check out Our Editorsâ Choices for titles recommended by the Education World team. Then it's your turn to share books that you enjoy or use in your classroom in the Our Readersâ Voices section below. With your help, we will build the best list on the Web of Best Books for teaching about Election Day & Electing a President. |
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See related titles in Citizenship, Holidays, Presidents
by Linda Granfield, Steve Bjorkman
Kids shouldn't have to wait until they're old enough to vote to get caught up in the excitement of presidential elections. From the first primaries, through the party conventions, to the final count at the polls, the race for the presidency is a whirlwind of passionate speeches, sensational campaigns and new beginnings that every American can be a part of.
Read an Education World interview with the author of this book
by Syl Sobel
Much that we all thought we knew about U.S. presidential elections went out the window with the historic Bush-Gore campaign of 2000. But that wasn't the only unusual election in United States history -- merely the most recent and most surprising. The previous edition of Syl Sobel's Presidential Elections was a great introduction to past presidential campaigns for kids. The updated new edition is even better. Young readers will find all kinds of interesting facts. Most interesting of all, and with Syl Sobel's guidance, boys and girls will explore the dramatic presidential election of 2000, a marathon contest that wasn't decided until five weeks after Election Day.
by Marc Tyler Nobleman (2004)
The books in the Let's See: Holidays series use a question-and-answer format to offer succinct information. Election Day describes what an election involves, the voting methods, problems that can occur, and more. The format is small and square. Large-print text appears on the right side of each double-page spread, and there are plenty of mostly full-color photographs and reproductions of period artwork. Specialized terms, in boldface type, are defined in the appended glossary. Nobleman is adept at avoiding partisan controversy, and he assures children that every vote counts. This title is a useful addition to school and public libraries, especially for report writers. (Booklist)
by Peter W. Barnes (1999)
Woodrow For President tells the story of how Woodrow G. Washingtail (the star of Woodrow, the White House Mouse) got to the White House. The book explains the electoral process to children in fun, rhyming verse, from Woodrow's humble beginnings as a child in Moussouri and his first election to public office, to his inauguration as president of the United Mice of America.
by Mike Thaler (2004)
Mean Mrs. Green is forcing everyone to run in the school election, but everyone just wants to run for their lives. Hubie is running for president against Doris. Hubie doesn't think he stands a chance against Doris and the free ice cream that's she's giving away to voters. Mix that in with the fact that he has to do lots of crazy stuff like shaking Coach Kong's paw and Mrs. Green's claw, and kissing a bunch of babies to stay in the presidential race. Hubie's chances look slim, but in the end he wins by being the candidate who stands for something -- not just on top of something.
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