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Fundraiser Review: Hershey’s Fundraising



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What is Sold:  Hershey’s candy bars. The bars are distributed to schools in assortments for selling. Three assortments are available, including a $2/per assortment box of big (king-size) bars.

HersheyAbout the Program:  This is a program where students have a familiar product on hand and can offer customers instant gratification. Although the $2 assortment comes with a suggested retail price, the other assortments (with regular-size bars) do not. Hershey’s itself does not distribute the bars—rather, schools purchase the product from a distributor.

Support for Schools: On Hershey’s Web site, there are tips for sellers, printable marketing materials and information about the products. Support seems to be more limited compared to other fundraising programs, however.

Bottom LineThough there seems to be less support for this program compared to others, it’s a pretty straightforward sell model using a familiar product that kids can easily get behind. This would be a good fit for a school sports team or organization raising funds for uniforms, trips, etc.

Article by Sarah W. Caron, EducationWorld Social Media Editor
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