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(Continued from EdWorld At Home)

Perhaps because of the romantic holiday at its, well, heart, February
has become American Heart Month, a time for everyone to learn more
about the heart, its role in good health – and the best ways to keep it
working for you for years to come.

Visit these sites this month to help kids learn more about the heart, to
help yourself get your heart in shape, and to have some old- and
new-fangled Valentine’s Day fun.

Involved Hearts
Jump Rope for Heart is an American Heart Association program
designed to encourage students to get involved in regular exercise --
especially jumping rope! Students seek sponsors and jump rope as a
group to raise money for the health organization.

Active Hearts
We’ve all seen the headlines about youth obesity and the soaring risks
of heart disease among America’s young people. The American Heart
Association wants kids to make an active, healthy lifestyle a lifelong
habit. This site, appropriate for kids in middle school and above,
relates physical activity to a heart-healthy lifestyle. Visitors can find
which kinds of activities burn the most calories, discover their target
heart rate, and learn lots of heart-smart facts. When they're done
exploring, they can try the Workout Quiz (see left navigation bar on the
page for a link to the quiz).

Smart Hearts
The Heart: An Online Exploration from the Franklin Institute Science
Museum is one of the best heart-related resources on the Web for kids.
Start your home heart lesson with this virtual trip through the heart and
its functions. The site offers pages that address the development and
structure of the heart, how blood flows through blood vessels, body
systems, maintaining a healthy heart, monitoring the heart, and the
history of heart science. If you have younger kids, you may just want to
visit the site yourself, and then use its descriptions to teach your kids
about the heart.

Crafty Hearts
Nothing pulls at the heartstrings more than a handmade heart from a
child. You can help your kids craft simple pop-up Valentine’s cards for
mom or dad, sisters or brothers, grandparents, or classmates using
this craft from Better Homes and Gardens. This kitchen craft can be
translated to cards for other holidays as well.

Healthy Hearts
One way to improve physical health is to eat better, and that means
cooking foods that are tasty and good for the heart! The American Heart
Association Kids' Cookbook contains many such recipes, like
Shake-It-Up Chicken Nuggets and Gingersnaps. Have some fun
making and eating one of these healthy foods, or show you have a
heart by baking the cookies and giving them to a charitable
organization near you!

Diet Hearts
"Open the Door to a Healthy Heart," a national campaign about diet and
heart disease, is responsible for this site, based on the "You are what
you eat" concept. Here, young and old visitors learn how to maintain a
"healthy refrigerator" by stocking it with foods that promote a healthy
heart. Families will find healthful recipes they can prepare; a Healthy
Fridge Quiz; and Ten Tips for a Heart Healthy Refrigerator.
[https://www.healthyfridge.org/kids.html] (adults)
[https://www.healthyfridge.org/] (kids)

Calculating Hearts
Kids in grade 4 and up can find out how to calculate their ideal heart
rate. Teach them to subtract their age from 220 and multiply that
number by 60% for their minimum training heart rate and by 80% for
their maximum training heart rate. They can use a calculator to check
their answers. Next, have them follow the directions found online in
Taking a Pulse, and measure their pulse. How does their actual pulse
compare with the desired numbers?

Understanding Hearts
The Three R's of Heart Disease are reduce, recognize, and respond.
Knowing these R's and putting them into action can save lives. You and
your children probably know a friend or family member who is at risk or
is suffering from heart disease. This information will help everyone
understand it better.

Open Hearts
In typical How Stuff Works fashion, this site offers probably the most
complete discussion of the workings of the human heart. This site
explains not just heart anatomy -- with clearly labeled diagrams -- but
also the heart's electrical system, blood flow and blood supply, and
much more. Included are links to even more information, including
information on heart disease and heart health.

Wacky Hearts
They expand the line every year, but maybe there still aren’t enough
expressions on those little candy hearts to meet your specific
Valentine’s needs. Now you can print out any expression you like, even
if you can’t eat it. Visit this site for some mad-lib style laughs.

Hunting Hearts
Now that you and your kids know everything there is to know about the
heart, try Education World’s own "Have a Heart" Web Scavenger Hunt.

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