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If you’re feeling giddy, you are probably not alone. June is busting out all over, and that comes as a relief to exhausted teachers everywhere. When we think about what it means to make the most out of summertime, that doesn’t necessarily translate...
Les Potter's picture
In my many years in education and school administration I have met a large number of unhappy educators. I used to tell our undergraduate teacher...
Les Potter's picture
As you continue your educational journey as a teacher or administrator, you should update your CV and portfolio. I always recommend that you keep a...
Les Potter's picture
When you have applied for a new position at a different school, you have probably wondered why it has taken the school so long to notify you about the...
Les Potter's picture
When you have a group of people together for any period of time, a culture emerges that consists of a set of customs, beliefs, values and norms. This...
Les Potter's picture
Improving your interviewing skills is important but here are some tips for you to prepare for that all important interview.
Gail S Hennessey's picture
In 2024, the Tour de France will begin on June 29th-July 21st. This year's Tour de France begins in Florence, Italy and include three stages in Italy...
Les Potter's picture
Improving your interviewing skills is important but here are some tips for you to prepare for that all important interview.
Les Potter's picture
Although the CV, cover letter, and the interview are very helpful in the hiring process, an overlooked but very important aspect of the process is the...
Les Potter's picture
All of us have experienced the disappointment of rejection from our dream job. Even though we thought we were perfect for the position.