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Best Practices for Creating the Fun Virtual Learning Environments

Teachers and students alike are embracing virtual learning environments. Virtual learning is an extensive, crisis-driven education plan that has caught many unprepared. There is no doubt that teachers are still exploring the best ways to deliver lessons and engage students. 

As many schools experience difficulty in offering a learning opportunity to every student at a distance, teachers are, therefore, called upon to be more engaged than ever before, especially for grade school students and those with learning disabilities. Upholding high levels of participation can be an uphill task, even for older students.

Create Fun Virtual Learning Environments

The virtual learning environment is unknown to many, and it takes time to familiarize yourself with it. While there's no scarcity of technology, it's vital to pay attention to online learning's practical aspects. Irrespective of delivery mode, students are supposed to be involved in a fun and fresh way.

Students, especially young ones, love environments that stimulate them and create an aspect of fun. To capture and keep their attention, you need to engage students. A virtual setting creates a barrier, but there are solutions to breaking down this barrier and even getting it to work in your favor. To help students stay focused and engaged, you can apply the following best practices for creating a fun virtual learning environment.

Create a Welcoming Virtual Space

It's impossible to high-five kids on their way to a virtual setting. However, there are other ways you can give your virtual environment personality. Teachers can make the atmosphere feel real in a virtual setting. Although you may be a part, you may bring a sense of togetherness by doing the following:

  • Start with a greeting and make sure that all students can see your face. While this may seem small to many, it adds a personal touch that enables your students to feel good about showing up to class.
  • Ask a question before jumping into the content of the day. A fun ice breaker can get students talking and interacting before getting started with learning. For example, "What is your favorite breakfast cereal?"
  • Have a simple yet engaging background. Put up relevant class posters, inspirational sayings, or some fun decor. Showing your personality in your video background will allow your students to get to know you better as their teacher.

Create a Reward System 

Reward systems are among the best practices for creating a fun learning environment, especially for younger kids. You can use several reward systems in your virtual setting, such as offering bonus points or a homework pass. These rewards will motivate students to attend the lessons, participate, and submit the assignments on time.

As an added incentive, send your students a postcard. Let them know you care about them and their well-being. Kids love to receive mail, and an encouraging note can go a long way in boosting a student's confidence levels. 

Use Humor 

Virtual learning can be daunting! Lower the stakes and instill humor in all your lessons. Besides, nobody wants to see any of their students staring tirelessly at their screens. Laughter isn't just for the soul; it's valuable when teaching as well. It tends to improve the retention period of the presented materials, encourage openness, develop diverse thinking among students, and gathers respect for the teacher. 

Teachers may not be great comedians, but the best teachers are those who are approachable and relatable. Successful teachers are those who integrate healthy humor during learning and make their classes worth looking forward to.

Engage Students in Fun Games and Activities

Engage your students in some fun activities during or after virtual classes. Unlike the traditional classroom games that teachers use to play in classes, teachers have to create engaging games that students can play in a virtual classroom. You can come up with games that are entertaining, educational, and engaging. Some of these include:

  • Quiz Games. All a student needs is a paper and a pen to write down their answers. One quiz game that students enjoy is the 'Top 5 Quiz.' Each question includes multiple possible answers. Students must then select one answer for each of the questions provided. Next, ask each student to show their responses to other students using their webcam. The teacher then reveals the correct answers and awards points to those who answered correctly. There are even websites that you can create a virtual quiz game, such as Kahoot!
  • Describe and Draw. To play, describe an object to your students. They draw the object without seeing the object. Once the students have drawn, ask each of them to show their drawing. Objects can be about the teaching material or random to engage learning while also taking a break. 
  • Mini Movie. As an assignment, ask students to create a mini-movie. They will need to write the script, act, and record the mini-movie using their computer cameras. By assigning work that is different than reading or writing will excite the students. And you will probably be surprised by their willingness and creativity on the assignment. 

Ask For Feedback 

Feedback is a gift. If you find yourself in doubt of the virtual learning experience, ask your students for feedback. You can provide a form for them to fill out anonymously or ask verbally at the end of the class. 

There might be negative or hilarious comments from some students, but asking for feedback makes students feel like a part of the class and encourages students' openness. They can also share suggestions on what would make the lessons more engaging. Experience will be the best teacher in this case, and such feedback will give you a better direction on how to make the lessons more enjoyable.


Virtual learning is a relatively new experience for both students and teachers. You get to develop creative ways of making your lessons engaging but also educational. By applying the practices mentioned, you can create a productive, dynamic, and fun virtual learning environment. The students will be looking forward to the learning sessions, and both of you will be successful in making virtual school cool!

Written by Brenda Maritim
Education World Contributor
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