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10 Writing Prompts for Women's History Month

March is National Women's History Month, an entire month dedicated to commemorating famous women in history who have made strides in advocating for gender equality. Women's History Month is an important month to celebrate, especially in the classroom. One way to celebrate Women's History Month is through writing. 

Education World has gathered a list of writing prompts teachers can assign to their students during Women's History Month. 

Journal Buddies:

  1. Who is the most influential woman you know? How does she inspire you?
  2. What are some of the biggest challenges that women face today? How will these change in the next 20 years?
  3. Eleanor Roosevelt once said: “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” How does this quote relate to feminism and the struggle for equal rights? How can you use it to inspire your own actions?
  4. The Equal Pay Act was signed in 1963, when women earned just 59 cents to every dollar that men earned. Today, women earn about 78 cents to every dollar that men earn. Why do you think it is taking so long to close the pay gap? How can we close it more quickly?
  5. Mae Jemison, the first black woman to travel in space, once said: “Never limit yourself because of others’ limited imagination; never limit others because of your own limited imagination.” Why is this sentiment so important? How does it relate to Women’s History Month?

  1. Suffragists persuaded 36 states to sign the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote. Ask students: What right or freedom do you think you deserve? Then have students write a paragraph that persuades someone to grant them their new right or freedom.
  2. Invite students to write a letter to a favorite woman. They can ask a question about the importance of the women's rights movement, or they can thank her for being a positive role model. She could be a relative, a friend, a politician, or anyone at all.


  1. Susan B. Anthony was an activist who fought for women's rights, including the right to vote. Why do you think her work was essential to women's freedom today? What would life have been like if she did not fight for women's rights?
  2. List five women alive today that you think will be influential for future generations. Why did you choose these women? Be specific.
  3. Do you think a woman will be president in the next decade? Why or why not?


Article by Kassondra Granata, Education World Contributor