You may be quick to dismiss the notion of sanctioned school napping as some nefarious, self-indulgent millennial trend. However, the initiative...
You may be quick to dismiss the notion of sanctioned school napping as some nefarious, self-indulgent millennial trend. However, the initiative...
There were a series of huge STEM-related announcements this week, including Seattle Seahawks player Michael Bennett's announcement that he would...
zSpace, an education company specializing in innovative learning methods for students, has named Utica Community Schools as a Center of Excellence...
Today marks International Women's Day, a day that "celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievement of women." The day will...
Saturday, March 11 will mark the one year anniversary of the redesigned SAT. So, how has the test fared one year later? Are the results what we...
Schools across the nation are grappling with a shortage of teachers and it is forcing school districts to reassess the way they recruit and hire...
The gender gap in STEM fields is one of the most discussed topics in education. There have been a number of private and federal initiatives...
A standing desk or a bean bag chair in a room might have been considered absurd in decades past. Today, some schools are beginning to experiment...
In his first Joint Address to Congress, President Donald Trump laid out his proposals for school choice funding and early child care. Since the...
More evidence has arrived which proves that states with successful economies and functional governments happen to have significantly better...
When it comes to measuring the quality of a school, the graduation rate is often seen as the best way to do so. However, Jeremy Noonan, a high...
The South Dakota House Education committee defeated a bill that would have allowed science teachers the opportunity to advance alternative...
A new report emphasizes that successful STEM learning relies on the development of "strong reasoning and problem-solving skills" and not "just...
President Trump rescinded the federal guidance that allowed transgender students to use locker rooms and bathrooms in accordance with their gender...
With so many schools across the country implementing social and emotional learning (SEL) programs, this CASEL report raises some cause for concern...