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Southern Word Uses Poetry To Empower

Southern Word works with poet coaches and other mentors to use creativity to help develop literacy and presentation skills in students. These skills help many kids going from high school through to the beginning of college connect the dots between education and their lives.

Southern Word does many local programs~ helping to establish young students as leaders in their communities all through using spoken word poetry. This includes spoken word school residencies~ after school workshops~ open mics~ and other events.

Right now~ they're producing Push Forward~ a series of videos about education and youth empowerment. These videos are all filmed locally throughout Tennessee and all feature original spoken word pieces by the students.

Spoken Word asked students:
What motivates you to push forward?

Mirror - Sebastian Jones of Southern Word
America - Malcolm Voltaire of Southern Word
College - Mani Jones of Southern Word
Portrait of the 9th Grade Jungle - Joshua Everett of Southern Word and Vandy Spoken Word
Ballin' - Sebastian Jones of Southern Word
ACT - Amanda Howell of Southern Word
This Just In - Malcolm Voltaire of Southern Word

As educators~ what motivates you to push forward?