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Gail Skroback Hennessey taught for over 33 years, teaching sixth grade in all but two years. She earned a BA in early secondary education with a concentration in social studies and an MST in social...
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Creating Music...with the Eiffel Tower! News story to use as bellringer activity

IN the NEWS....
Possible Bell RInger Activity

Piano~ guitar and drums are instruments...but the Eiffel Tower? Composer Joseph Bertolozzi is creating on opus~ "Tower Music" using the Eiffel Tower as his instrument! The American Bertolozzi says banging different sized mallets~ drumsticks and a lambs wool covered log against the tower's girders~ railings and panels creates sounds similar to that of marimbas~ Indonesian gamelan gongs and metallic drums. Before recording approximately 2000 audio sounds~ Bertolozzi had to first assured the French that his mallets wouldn't do any denting to the famous Paris landmark. WIth the 125th anniversary of the Eiffel Tower coming in 2014~ Bertolozzi hopes to perform his completed opus at the tower.

Think of something on which you could try and create music?
Why do you think ancient people started creating music?
Describe in a sentence what a world without music would be like?
Fun Facts about the Eiffel Tower:

In 2014~ the Eiffel Tower will be celebration its 125th birthday!

When I walked up the steps to the 2nd level~ there was a sign stating that in 1948~ an elephant walked up to the first floor lever. From the Bouglione circus~ the elephant was at the time the world's oldest...85 years of age!

In 2011~ the Eiffel Tower was the most visited paid monument in the world. Seven million people visited the famous landmark.

The tower sways up to 3 inches in the wind and if the sun is really beating down on it~ it can shift away from the sun by about 7 inches!

The Eiffel Tower was the world's tallest building from 1889 until 1930 when it was replaced by the Chrysler Building in New York City.

Built for the World's Fair in 1889~ the Eiffel Tower~ also called the Iron Lady~ was supposed to be a temporary structure. Many people thought it was very ugly and wanted it torn down! Today~ it is one of the most famous landmarks in the world.

In 1885~the engineer~ Gustave Eiffel also designed the internal frame of the Statue of Liberty.
Gail Hennessey
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