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Blog: Ed Tech Today

Burned Out?

Job experts say most of us will experience burnout in our lifetime.

What is burnout? According to Merriam-Websters dictionary~ burnout is"exhaustion of physical or emotional strength or motivation usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration." Using that as our definition~ you can see~ as educators~ that it is important to recognize when you might be experiencing burnout and to have creative ways to deal with it. If burnout is generally a loss of motivation~ then keeping it...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

30-Day Challenge

I have an idea I want to share that I think would changea school'sculture forever! And it wouldn't cost the government a dime.

Forthirty straightdays~ educators at schools across the country would take on a challenge to do something positive at their school. It could be tobring donuts to their students~ leave a good jobnote for a colleague~ make a positive phone call to a parent~wear roller skates and skate down the get my drift.

Everyone tries to give...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Creating a Great Seating Arrangement

Classroom desk arrangements can be a tedious process for some and non-existent for others. Many veteran teachers feel that straight rows are the only way to go~ while "newbie's" in the building feel that effective classroom arrangement should change up nearly every week.

While there is only personal preference to the matter~ teachers may want to stop and...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Summer Olympics 2012 London

For those beginning to plan some activities with students on the upcoming Summer Olympics~ I wanted to share a webquest that might be of resource you may find of value.
The 2012 Summer Olympic Games~ officially known as the "Games of the X...XX Olympiad" or "London 2012 Olympic Game"~ begin on July 27th~ 2012. The city of London~ the capital of the country of Great Britain~ is the first city to ever host the...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Myth Testers

Today I want to share a really cool site that~ Sarah Pennington~ a language arts middle school teacher at the school where I work~ uses with her kids. Students who are interested in mythology can take a national test through the American Classical League's Excellence Through Classics program.The website is


Blog: Ed Tech Today

Radio Shout Outs!

Today~ I tricked my students. Yes~ I had to fool them into thinking they were doing an assignment on radio/ T.V. commericals. While thinking they were listening to a local FM station to determine what makes a good commerical~ the DJ gave a shout out~ congratulating my class and the students at the school where I work for their hard work on Florida's standardized test~ the FCAT.

My kids' jaws dropped. They were like~ "Were we just mentioned over the radio?" They looked...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Immersion Lesson!


Immersion lessons are a great way to totally engage your students in learning. I attached a Theme Day/Immersion Lesson step-by-step guide on my Resource pagethat you can use to create successful immersion lessons in your classroom. Feel free to share among colleagues or at your school.

Have a blessed day~


Blog: Ed Tech Today

What's Your Angle?

When teaching a lesson~ I think you have to approach it like a shotgun. Shotguns do not just shoot one bullet~ but spray lots of little bullets at the target.

In the same way~ when teaching~ try to hit the lesson from many different angles. Have them use their hands~ their voices~ their eyes...use food~ music~ technology~ movement...keep trying to hit the lesson from another angle. By doing this~ the lesson becomes exciting and you tap into the different learning styles.


Blog: Ed Tech Today

Earth Day is Sunday, April 22nd

Sunday,April 22, is Earth Day. Begun on April 22, 1970, by Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson, the purpose of the day was to create awareness that our natural resources will not last forever and to stress each of our responsibility in protecting and preserving our Earth and its resources.On this day,bags of clean soil were passed out, people spilled oil on sidewalks in Washington, DC, to protest oil spills,high school students swept public spaces, and people wore gas masks to show that our air...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

You're Fired!

Yes~ Mr. Trump from Celebrity Apprentice~ inspired me to create a weekly project called Classroom Apprentice~ where students choose a project manager and are given a task to complete under a tightdeadline! They love it~ and it allows students todevelop creativity~ teamwork~ leadership and other qualities while reviewing curriculum.

Now~ tell me~ what T.V. shows have served as inspirations for you in the classroom? I had a colleague who began the school year breaking her students...
