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Blog: Ed Tech Today

Importance of decorating your classroom

I truly believe that a classroom should be an inviting place. Yes~ we have lots and lots of responsibilities placed upon~ and it seems more and more each year but I think "bare" walls are not something you should have in your classroom.So~ especially for new teachers....I say decorate your room~ even if you teach high school!!! It's your home away from home~ make it inviting with lots for students to see about what you will be teaching~ current events~inspirational quotes~ pictures of places...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Techie Challenge

This week~ I challenged my students to make a presentation without talking. Thats right~ mums the word. Instead~ they were required to use whatever technology was available in the classroom to present the information~ which in this case~ involved World War II.

At first~ they looked puzzled but after I suggested the use Google Translate to speak~ for instance~ and powerpoints and slideshow programs to illustrate~ and music to convey emotion~ they began to get the point. To be honest~ Im...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Dress Things Up!

Teachers who dress up in costumes simply rock! I think for a teacher to have the guts and willingess to play the role of a character is commendable. The practice also increases enthusiam and can help get your classroom out of a rut.

Last week~ Debbye Warrell~ media specialist at Challenger K-8 in Spring Hill~ Florida~ came into my classroom dressed as an Avatar. The costume was so good the kids and I didnt even know it was her until she spoke. No kidding. The students...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Burned Out?

Job experts say most of us will experience burnout in our lifetime.

What is burnout? According to Merriam-Websters dictionary~ burnout is"exhaustion of physical or emotional strength or motivation usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration." Using that as our definition~ you can see~ as educators~ that it is important to recognize when you might be experiencing burnout and to have creative ways to deal with it. If burnout is generally a loss of motivation~ then keeping it...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

30-Day Challenge

I have an idea I want to share that I think would changea school'sculture forever! And it wouldn't cost the government a dime.

Forthirty straightdays~ educators at schools across the country would take on a challenge to do something positive at their school. It could be tobring donuts to their students~ leave a good jobnote for a colleague~ make a positive phone call to a parent~wear roller skates and skate down the get my drift.

Everyone tries to give...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Creating a Great Seating Arrangement

Classroom desk arrangements can be a tedious process for some and non-existent for others. Many veteran teachers feel that straight rows are the only way to go~ while "newbie's" in the building feel that effective classroom arrangement should change up nearly every week.

While there is only personal preference to the matter~ teachers may want to stop and...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Summer Olympics 2012 London

For those beginning to plan some activities with students on the upcoming Summer Olympics~ I wanted to share a webquest that might be of resource you may find of value.
The 2012 Summer Olympic Games~ officially known as the "Games of the X...XX Olympiad" or "London 2012 Olympic Game"~ begin on July 27th~ 2012. The city of London~ the capital of the country of Great Britain~ is the first city to ever host the...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Myth Testers

Today I want to share a really cool site that~ Sarah Pennington~ a language arts middle school teacher at the school where I work~ uses with her kids. Students who are interested in mythology can take a national test through the American Classical League's Excellence Through Classics program.The website is


Blog: Ed Tech Today

Radio Shout Outs!

Today~ I tricked my students. Yes~ I had to fool them into thinking they were doing an assignment on radio/ T.V. commericals. While thinking they were listening to a local FM station to determine what makes a good commerical~ the DJ gave a shout out~ congratulating my class and the students at the school where I work for their hard work on Florida's standardized test~ the FCAT.

My kids' jaws dropped. They were like~ "Were we just mentioned over the radio?" They looked...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Immersion Lesson!


Immersion lessons are a great way to totally engage your students in learning. I attached a Theme Day/Immersion Lesson step-by-step guide on my Resource pagethat you can use to create successful immersion lessons in your classroom. Feel free to share among colleagues or at your school.

Have a blessed day~

