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Blog: Ed Tech Today

Independent Study

Most of us have had Jane in our class. Shes focused. She learns fast~ finishes her work early.

Shes a good sport~ willing to help other students in class. She runs errands. She completes enrichment worksheets.

But if were honest with ourselves as educators~ the question becomes:

What do we do with her?

One answer is the independent study project. It is a fantastic method to challenge even the most advanced learner or gifted child. And once you master the steps...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Surface Sales Fall Short

zuneA challenger in the tablet wars has come up short. Microsoft’s Surface has failed to deliver on the firm’s conservative sales goal during the device’s first three months on the market.

The Surface registered nearly 750,000 units sold in its first quarter of availability, below the target of just over 1 million, according to...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Potential versus Performance

I recently read a speech by billionaire investor Warren Buffett~ where he spoke about performance versus potential. Im paraphrasing here but he said he would rather hire a person~ who has a 200 horsepower engine and gets maximum output~ than hire a person with 400-horsepower engine but only uses 100-horsepower.

I instantly related it to my gifted students.

Some kids have extremely high IQs and produce poor quality work or hardly any work at all while students with much...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Groundhog Day is Coming(extension...

Groundhog Day is Saturday~ February 2nd.

Groundhog Day is Saturday~February 2nd. Its a time when people look to a groundhog to find out whether or not we will be having six more weeks of winter. The idea dates back hundreds of years when people looked to hibernating animals such...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

School Email Error Sends Parents to...

In a case of a little mistake turning into a major kerfuffle, the Chicago Public Schools system was left apologizing to families for sending an email with a link to an erotic Web site.

According to CBS Chicago, the email was intended to inform...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Express Yourself

The student was stuck. Until now~ he had been breezing through his project~ making progress~ enjoying each moment.

Until now.

His teacher asked him to write a script for the instructional video he was creating. As a student in the schools gifted program~ his project involved creating a video that showed fellow students how to construct a Lego airplane. He had selected his topic of interest (Lego)~ chosen a product (video)~ and knew his subject well. But asking him to type...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Science Working On Asteroid Collision

ArmegeddonIn a case of life imitating art, the European Space Agency is working on an experiment designed to launch a projectile into space and collide with an asteroid in an effort to alter its path away from Earth.

"Concepts are being sought for both ground- and space-based investigations, seeking improved understanding of the physics of very high-speed...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

White House Nixes Death Star Proposal

The Obama Administration has officially come out against the destruction of entire planets.

death starThe White House’s We The People initiative, an online petition that allows citizens to seek governmental action, is filled with what some would deem crazy requests. Nevertheless, the program promises that any petition generating at least 20,000 signatures will...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Inauguration Day~ Monday~ January 21~...

Photography from WhiteHouse.gove

Inauguration Day~ Monday~ January 21~ 2013

The oath that each President takes on Inauguration Day.I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States~ and will to the best of my Ability~ preserve~ protect and defend the Constitution of the...

Blog: Ed Tech Today


Time is a precious commodity in the classroom. There never seems to be enough of it.

Therefore~ we should not only be careful how we use our time as teachers~ but also how we utilize time when it comes to students.

Research shows that many higher-level students~ such as those in gifted programs~ spend about 70-80 percent of classroom relearning material. Whoa-thats a lot of time spent on covering lessons they have already learned.

There has to be a better wayand...
