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Blog: Ed Tech Today


Without a vision~ the people perish.

I recall several years ago~ I asked renowned fifth-grade teacher~ Rafe Esquith~ for the secrets of success. He listed three actions that he took that made a big impact on his classroom.

One of those steps~ I remember him saying~ was developing a vision for what he wanted his students to become. Interestingly enough~ he said he looked at his most successful~ well-rounded students-those who excelled at academics~ sports~ musical...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Chromebook Pixel Debuts

On Thursday, Google introduced the Chromebook Pixel, the latest version of its Chromebook laptops, which store just about everything in cloud storage. The $1,300 Wi-Fi model includes a nearly 13-inch display touchscreen and begins shipping next week.

By combining tablet and laptop technology, heavyweight Intel chips and the most beautiful screen for your dollar, it’s designed for that juicy segment of the personal computer buyers known as “power users.”

The Pixel can...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Official White House Beekeeper-Charlie...

Ever wonder what it's like to be a beekeeper~ especially one in charge of the White House bees? Charlie Brandts says the beehive near the First Lady's office averages about 175 pounds of honey each year. The honey is used for special events at the White House and is given as gifts to dignitaries visiting the White House. Perhaps~ your students might find this career posting on "Charlie Brandts~ Official White House Beekeeper" of interest. Check it out here:...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Addressing the Achievement Gap:...

The Commission on Equity and Excellence had a Congressional mandate to provide advice to Secretary Duncan on the disparities in meaningful educational opportunities and to recommend ways in which federal policies can address such disparities. They just released a report titled For Each and Every Child, after a two year work period. The distinguished members of the panel, with diverse professional backgrounds and different...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Enrichment Committees

At school~ there seems to be a committee for everything.
Improvement~ remediation~ reading~ leadership~ and the list goes on.
What you dont often find at schools~ however~ is a team of people that are focused on enrichment for children.
I think its safe to say that the major focus in recent years is helping to improve test scores and performance among the lower achieving students. While~ of course~ thats a very worthy goal~ there also needs to be a focus on providing...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Collaboration: Implementing Research...

We have access to a lot of good sound research and information in todays information age. Education practitioners~ those working in schools and districts~ are ultimately responsible for overseeing system-wide changes~ but they rarely have time to sift through data and evidence to identify sound research that might offer guidance for their respective district or school. Therefore~ those higher up in district administration are more likely to be the ones assessing available research and...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Today is Abe Lincoln's Birthday-...

Today~February 12 is Abraham Lincoln's actual birthday.

President Abraham Lincoln was president through the four years of the Civil War(1861-1865) He had promised in his election campaign that if elected~ he'd end slavery. What you may not know is that President Lincoln started our national Thanksgiving holiday. He issued a proclamation saying that the last Thursday of each year would be a...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Holocaust Holograms Teach History

A historical account is always better when it comes directly from someone who experienced it, and scientists at USC have come up with a way to offer firsthand accounts to students even after the storyteller is long dead.

Utilizing hologram technology, Holocaust survivors are being recorded and saved so that generations of students will be able to benefit from hearing...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Mentoring-Who's really benefitting

Ive heard it said that if you really want to learn something~ teach it to others.
This concept has really hit home for me~ now that I have begun mentoring aspiring teachers.
Having recently taken on an intern from a local university~ I have been forced to reconsider my methods and knowledge as an educator. Truth be told~ you cant teach someone else to be effective if dont have your own act together.
As I observe the intern and provide feedback~ I am subconsciously...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

A Teaching Persona

Wondering how many of you feel the same way.
When it comes to dealing with adults~ I usually can get very tongue-tied and feel very self conscious. I wouldn't think of telling a joke in public or doing anything to cause attention to myself. However~ in the classroom it was so very different! I put on a black wig and serpent headgear to introduce ancient Egypt. I also put on a sari when doing India and dressed as an Islamic woman during a lesson on the Middle East. If a student gave an...
