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Updated November, 2003

Database of Award-Winning Children's Literature

The Database of Award Winning Children's Literature is a great place for teachers and librarians to go to put together quality individualized reading lists for students and classes.

The layout is easy to use. The pages are decorated with simple graphics that are reminiscent of a school library bulletin board.

The site is easy to move around in. The linked pages all have navigational buttons to go home, search, or back to the previous page.

This is an important bibliographic site, with an extensive selection of children's literature. The site's search form is excellent with a number of ways to search the database including: ethnicity of the protagonist, historical timeframe, location or setting of the story, multicultural aspects, publication date, readers age, format, and whether the book has won any of a long list of awards. Search by keyword is also available. This site does not offer any advice about where to find the book, but assumes that one will use the library (of course). For those using the site for research, there is a page offering different ways that the Database of Award Winning Children's Literature can be cited in both MLA and APA styles