Earth Watch Field Research
Home page of the Earthwatch Organization.
Photos and graphics are spread throughout the site and most of the text uses larger font and is well-spaced.
The layout of the page is very straightforward and its links are easy to find.
Earthwatch is a nonprofit organization which sponsors scientific field research projects. Their mission is to "improve human
understanding of the planet, the diversity of its inhabitants, and the processes that affect the quality of life on Earth" (and)
"sustain the world's environment, monitor global change, conserve endangered habitats and species, explore the vast heritage
of our peoples, and foster world health and international cooperation". This website has information on Earthwatch's affiliate, The
Center for Field Research, on the Student Challenge Awards (offers students who are gifted in the arts or humanities a chance to
participate in real scientific research alongside professionals) , Field Research Opportunities, A Virtual Expedition and even a Worldwide
Network of Scientists. Interested in creating a field research trip? There's information on Application Guidelines and even an area
with topics for specific proposal requests. Still not convinced? There's a section on project results and an area called "Reports from
the Field" with testimonials from past volunteers. Finally, there's information here for students and educators also. Earthwatch is currently
working with networked schools to allow them to participate in some of the field research from their classrooms. This website has a little
bit to offer students, teachers, parents and individuals alike.