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Home &gt Site Reviews Center &gt Archives &gt By Date &gt Reviewed September 1, 1999
Link updated December 1, 2004

S I T E     R E V I E W
Reviewed September 1, 1999
Link updated December 1, 2004



The Project Approach is a project-based educational method in which students learn by investigating themes collaboratively. The site outlines the theory behind this innovative approach to learning and gives some excellent tips and ideas for creating fun and engaging projects in your classroom.


This site has a nice layout and lots of great images of children at work on their projects.


The site features an excellent navigational bar at the right and a set of navigational links at the top of the pages.


Sylvia Chard, a Canadian educator and professor at the University of Alberta, created this high-quality and useful site that is a must-see for early childhood and elementary educators. Chard's approach to teaching and learning is hands-on, fun, insightful, and a sure hit with young children. The site gives an in-depth description of the theory and practice of the Project Approach, including a list of helpful examples. The site also features listservs that users can subscribe to and share ideas on. This is an important resource for innovative teachers!