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August 1, 1999

Spy Letters of the American Revolution

Here is a fascinating Web site about the American Revolution. The site offers a set of primary source letters written by spies on both sides of the conflict, plus the stories surrounding them. Learn about the methods that secret agents used to encode and hide their information.

Many great historical images help create the "mood" of the Revolutionary era.

A comprehensive navigation bar is available at the left of the pages.

A complex network of spies, double agents, and traitors were pivotal to the success and failures of many Revolutionary War battles. Spy Letters of the American Revolution gives a rare look into the history of this often-unmentioned aspect of the Revolution. Included are digital images of the letters plus their transcriptions and the stories that surround them. The information given about the methods used to hide the information in ordinary letters and objects is great fodder for interesting classroom activities. A teacher's guide provides ideas for using the Web site in the classroom, and includes recipes for invisible ink and more. The site also includes a timeline, biographies, and the routes used by the spies. Kids will love this outstanding teaching tool!