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S I T E     R E V I E W
JULY, 1997

LD Online
GRADE LEVEL: Parents & Professionals

LD (Learning Disabilities) Online is an "interactive guide to learning disabilities for parents, teachers and children".

The website uses a lot of color, images, graphics and some animation. Each section page is configured differently but blends into the overall site.

The navigational menu bar uses different colors for each area of the website and is at the top of each page. A link back to the home page is on each section and a colored title bar lets the users know which area they are currently viewing.

This website has a lot of information but fortunately it is very well organized and includes a search bar that allows users to find resources and information on particular disorders or topics. Other sections include a what's new area (this includes an archive of past additions to the site), The "ABCs of LD/ADD" explain about learning disabilities and "LD In Depth" has links to expert articles on a variety of topics. A related site, "Finding Help" has links to resources for different learning problems. The site includes mini-biographies of successful people with learning disabilities and audio clips from experts as well. A special section is devoted to children and includes games and activities. Additionally, bulletin boards are set up for users to communicate with each other. This site delivers on its promises and definitely is a site for educators, parents and children concerned with learning disabilities.