JUNE, 1997 Updated JUNE, 2007
National Foundation for the Improvement of Education https://www.neafoundation.org/
The National Foundation for the Improvement of Education works for improving education by working with teachers,
researchers, school staff and students in public schools.
The site combines images and text in a well-spaced homepage that is easy to read. The subsequent pages all have the same format of paragraphs
of text on a single colored background.
Each of the sections of the website are described on the main page and have easily located links. Each additional page
has a link back to the homepage at the bottom.
The National Foundation for the Improvement of Education (NFIE) wants to improve the state of education but it takes a different
approach than a lot of other reformers. "To improve schools we must focus on the teachers," said Judith Rnyi, Executive Director
neafoundation. "Schools can only be as good as the teachers in them. This is something that all other so-called 'reform efforts' have missed.
It's what teachers know and can do that will make the difference in improved student performance." With that in mind, this site was
created to showcase the projects, reports and ideas currently supported by the organization. Topics include: NFIE's mission, strategies
and history, teaching and technology, funding opportunities, school projects and programs, and ideas for the future. The empahsis may
be on teachers, but everyone interested in education reform can learn something here.