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JUNE, 1996


Politics Now

A great resource for high school civics/current events classes.

With bright graphics in newsletter form, this site is draws the user in to wander about.

There is a wealth of information here that takes a bit of effort to find.

With the election coming up, this site is bound to be a popular one in the coming months. It is attractive and comprehensive, but slightly difficult to navigate. I found some wonderful parts that are hidden away, such as the Almanac of American Politics, which is searchable by state, name, senate or house. A helpful hint, use the index that's accessible from the home page. The News section is also very comprehensive, with extensive articles posted from all the major newspapers and magazines (Washington Post, Newsweek, Associated Press, and more). This site doesn't only focus on the Presidential election, but all elections on a state-by-state basis. Also, there are articles on all the major campaign issues, from gun control to taxes. This site also encourages interaction and participation. This is an attractive site and a valuable resource. Use the index to find your way around, it'll save some time.