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S I T E     R E V I E W
May, 1998


The site houses articles and stories about places around the world. The material is presented as part travel agency and part explorer.

The colors and backgrounds are rich. Each section uses thumbnail, or larger, graphics to enhance the text.

Each section of the site is laid out differently. Menus for navigation vary from page to page. Each page has a link back to the home page.

Each part of this Web site is a complete unit. The Geographia Web site used to be called InterKnowledge. Some of its old units are available from the main page, listed under "Destinations." Those are categorized by continent. The restructuring of the site can be a little confusing. Most of the pages have different navigation tools and menus. However, navigation within each unit is fairly simple. A few of the sections have sound and movie files. Users will find immense amounts of information on a number of countries and places. This is a great smorgasbord of information for history, political science, culture and area studies, and geography teachers and students. The site brims with content!