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MAY, 1997


Teach for America

Teach For America is "the national teacher corps of outstanding recent college graduates of all academic majors and cultural backgrounds who commit two years to teach in under-resourced urban and rural public schools."

A lot of the pages have columns of small text and minimal dividers or graphics but they are all fairly easy to read.

Not all of the sections are listed on the main page which adds some surprise to the sight. Each page does have a menu to get the user back to the home page or allows them to jump to another section.

According to the site each year, about 3,000 individuals of all academic majors compete for the 500 new Teach For America corps member positions. What is this program and why is it so popular? After a five-week national training institute the new members are assigned to one of 13 communities to begin teaching in an under-resourced public school. The assignments last for two years during which time the members receive professional development through local educational institutions and group activities. While many of the participants remain teachers, some work in other areas of education and some go on to a totally different field such as law, medicine, public policy, and business. The website has complete information on the corps -- the history, the application process, frequently asked questions, testimonials, special projects and initiatives as well as information on alumni of the program. Two outstanding features are the online quarterly newsletter which combines related news stories with personal anecdotes; and, the section on new recruits which features backgrounds and interviews with some of the newest members of the corps. This is an inspirational site and not just for educators; it's a bright spot in the world of education.