April, 1999

KID INFO http://www.kidinfo.com/ GRADE LEVEL: K-12+
Got the homework blues? Stuck on a question? Have to write a report? Check out KID INFO, a great student homework and teacher/parent resource that includes a section for young children.
The site is nicely laid out with great graphics and backgrounds.
Each section has its own set of navigational links at the bottom of the page. The main page and the section headings are the best way to navigate this site. Most students should find the KIDS section easy to navigate.
The site is organized by the audiences targeted: Kids, Teachers, Parents, and Young Children. Each area has lists of great resources available on the World Wide Web. KID INFO's author, Linda Guterba, has done an excellent job of putting this site together. Check out the Teacher TYDBYTES section for her series of slide shows about Internet technology, writing skills, and other topics. The site is searchable, and includes links to games pages -- for when the homework is all done!