April, 1999

Get Your Angries Out https://help.aol.com/articles/aim-discontinued GRADE LEVEL: 2-12+
Everyone gets the angries, and sometimes they can get us into trouble. Lynne Namka, Ed. D., gives some good advice about how to release those mads in helpful ways, and how to create more peace in our communities.
Cute little cartoon images illustrate the text. Large fonts and colorful dividers make the site easy to read.
This is a big site, with some long pages. The best way to navigate it is from the navigational menu at the bottom of the main page. At the bottom of the other pages are links back to the main page and to the subject headings under which the page is found.
This site has something to offer all age groups, although it seems to be strongly oriented to elementary school children and their families. The site has five main sections: Grown-Ups, Kids & Grown-Ups, Parents, Teachers & Therapists, and Couples. Each section offers advice about positive ways to respond to anger in others and ourselves. The author, Lynne Namka, Ed. D., has done a good job of putting together an extensive resource on this important subject.