FutureCulture http://www.wcpworld.com:80/LmaTZ/future/culture.htm
Links to cultures throughout the world.
Very graphical, well-chosen color scheme and graphics.
Image maps take a while to load, very useful though. A version for older browsers is available as well.
This site is part of the World Cafe Page and allows the user to visit any culture in the world from the "International Links" area, has a quiz "How culturally aware are you?" a section called "Traits of Culture" -- "basic axioms which can help you in understanding the differences in others" and will soon be adding reports from Peace Corps volunteers in the field. The International Links cover just about every country and is divided into continents and world geographic areas. These are further divided into countries and each country link generally leads to the country's server site or other web site with multiple links of information. The quiz has thirty questions such as: largest city in the world? and world's oldest continuously inhabited city? (visit the site for the answers) There is also a page of search engines enabling the user to look for additional outside culture information. This site would make an excellent bookmark for history, geography, political science, sociology and foreign language students and teachers as well as anyone interested in travel and other cultures.