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July 2001

Ethics in Computing
GRADE LEVEL: 9-12, Advanced, Professional

This site offers a collection of articles and essays that discuss topics related to the ethics of computer use.
The layout is simple; an interactive site map appears on the main page.
The site is organized into eight categories that can be accessed from the site map. The internal pages have a left-side menu for navigating between the articles within that section and the broader categories.
Ethics in Computing covers such broad topics as the basics, privacy, intellectual property, speech issues, social justice issues, commerce, risks, and computer abuse. The series of topics within each category link to off-site articles and papers. A study guide and questions for discussion are provided for each area. Teachers will appreciate this rich resource when designing a study of ethics and technology to meet student technology standards. Users can find answers to their questions about specific topics, such as copyright, hacking, netiquette, and much more by performing a keyword search of the site.